Ashok Kankaria
Having the peculiarity to set out a real-time financial position of the company, accounting software has gained traction among business of all sizes. To equip organizations with a comprehensive system that integrates both internal and external information exchange, Coral has developed an affordable and flexible enterprise software solution, ACEERP which has addressed all the tribulations of conventional ERP like inflexibility, scalability, connectivity, security,
implementation time, skill requirement, maintenance, support, affordability and others. Coral Soff'wares is one among few Indian software companies, focused on SMEs with a vision to be a top business solution software company. ACE ERP caters to modules spread across finance and accounts, purchase and sales, statutory compliance, excise trader or importer module, fixed asset management, store management, and many others. The software developed using .NET programming language ensures a user friendly interface coupled with a secure and flexible enterprise-class solution. ACE ERP audits the statutory compliance with GST register that helps organizations in sale, purchase, RCM, SEZ, and also supports multi currency in accommodating option to enter foreign currency rate for purchase & sale separately as well as date-wise. Other features of the software include automated e-mail facility under two sections, namely auto transactions e-mail and auto scheduler e-mail. A list of operations including sale bill, sale challan, purchase return, payment receipt, cheque bounce, party ledger, outstanding register, form reminder, sale figures, and collection figures are executed through automated e-mail. "The ACE ERP dashboard showcases a set of figures related to the accounting. It carries out operations on memo authentication, fund position of the organization, sales analysis, and outstanding sales", says Ashok Kankaria, Director, Coral Soff'wares.
ACE ERP is powered by the SQL server as backend to ensure a robust and highly secured database along with cloud compatibility to match the business need of a secure enter-prise-class solution. Coral Soff'wares products are taught at more than 300 locations across the country by professional training institutes, forms part of curriculum of colleges and universities. The company possess customer retention across all types of industries and business including service sector. Being one of the preferred software amongst most of the CA's and other accounting professionals, Coral Soff'wares' products are widely used by business owners themselves.
ACE ERP was recently rolled out by a chain of mobile stores having 25+ stores. This has completed ACE ERP's presence in the fast growing retail space
ACE ERP is powered by the SQL server as backend to ensure a robust and highly secured database along with cloud compatibility to match the business need of a secure enter-prise-class solution. Coral Soff'wares products are taught at more than 300 locations across the country by professional training institutes, forms part of curriculum of colleges and universities. The company possess customer retention across all types of industries and business including service sector. Being one of the preferred software amongst most of the CA's and other accounting professionals, Coral Soff'wares' products are widely used by business owners themselves.